baby, parenting, preschooler, silas, thoughts

My Joy Baby

A friend once told me that she calls her children her “joy babies.” Children are treasures, and gifts from God. When God gave us Silas, so much joy entered our lives.

What a thrill to find out we were pregnant, and announce it to Stephen. We were blessed to tell our parents and grandparents about the first grandbaby coming soon. Then, when the ultrasound revealed Silas was a boy, I teared up because I was so happy that God had given me my heart’s desire.april10001

Giving birth for the first time was an amazing experience. Even in the pain, there was joy. Walking the hospital hallways with Stephen as we waited for Silas’s arrival is one of my sweetest memories with my man. Stephen told me childhood tales and imprinted my heart with his love.

With Silas’s birth I seemed to be looking at life through rose-colored glasses. I was on cloud nine! What joy to have a tiny human who belonged to us.

That first year of Silas’s life was marked by happy milestone after happy milestone. He was such a charming baby and filled everyone with smiles. Our San Diego vacation when Silas was nine months old was one of the happiest trips of my life!april10002

We’re so blessed to watch our “force of nature” as he blossoms into who God made him to be. Silas loves making new friends, and loves to talk. He is currently in the stage of, “Hey, Mom! Watch this! Did you see that?” While Cooper plays with toys as they are meant to be played with (i.e. a block is a block), Silas plays with toys as props (i.e. blocks are guns). He is such an imaginative little guy. Superheroes are still his favorite, and he’s learning his letters and numbers. I’ve caught him reading to himself or singing to himself. So cute! He absorbs so much around him, and often surprises us with words he picks up. Just the other day he said “Worcestershire sauce”–impressive! Our best conversations are in his rocker at bedtime as we cuddle in the dark. It’s fun to see the world through a three year old’s perspective.

Silas, we love you. You are my joy baby. Happy 3 1/2 years old, little dude!april10003

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