family, thoughts, web stuff

Pop-pop’s Peace

Skype is wonderful! Tonight we were able to have a video call with my Pop-pop as he sat snugly in his farmhouse in little Preston, MD. It was so great to see him across the miles! The family sat around in the den after watching Jeopardy, and we caught up a little bit on family news. How I miss them.

Pop-pop had a setback this week. They discovered that he is now suffering internal bleeding. He almost passed out during his bath the other day. Pop-pop continues to lose weight due to his pancreatic cancer and has now lost at least 68 pounds since September. Pop-pop has been receiving IV fluids which keep him hydrated. My aunt, uncle, and cousins continue to tenderly care for him at home which is a huge blessing! They tirelessly watch over him night and day so that my Mom-mom can get some rest.

Although Pop-pop may not have much time left with us, he is peaceful when looking to the future because he knows that he will go to live in heaven with his Savior that he has served for a lifetime. Pop-pop’s example of steadfast godliness, patience, and love for his family inspires me. Thank you, Pop-pop for your constant love, your faith in God, your unwavering character and your good-natured humor. I hope I can be a little like you! I love you!

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