Our son, Thatcher James Moody, was born at 5:54am on Wednesday, June 26, 2019. He was 7lbs and 20.5 inches long. All five of us are smitten with Baby #4!
My best friend, Rebekah, flew all the way from D.C. to care for us during the birth of baby boy. There’s something extra special about spending time with a friend who’s known me for over 15 years. Rebekah’s visit was such a gift of selfless love to all of us. I’m thankful she could be here before, during, and after baby’s arrival. And I’m thankful her husband, Richard, was willing to give her up for a week.
I loved introducing Rebekah to Oregon for the first time, and showing her our house, neighborhood, and church. We took a picnic basket lunch to the International Rose Test Garden together.

This rose was called “Big Momma,” so of course I needed a picture with it. I was ready to pop!

After a 2.5 mile walk on Tuesday up to Pirate Park, we hosted an impromptu marshmallow roasting party on our back patio. I joked with the neighbors that we were having a pre-delivery party–and it turned out that I was right!

At 2am that night, my contractions began. They were close together, but anywhere from 2-6 minutes apart. I labored for an hour and a half before Stephen and I were convinced we should head to the hospital. We woke Rebekah up to tell her we were leaving. It was a good thing she was with the kids as we didn’t really have time to take them to a friend’s house.

Stephen and I checked in to the hospital at 4am, and I was already dilated 4cm. Things were happening so quickly that there wasn’t a moment when Stephen and I were alone in the delivery room. A nurse or mid-wife was always buzzing around checking and prepping for the birth. I did get an epidural which relieved my abdominal pain, but it didn’t have time to take effect where I needed it most. I went from 5cm to holding my baby in about 45 minutes!

When I realized I was going to give birth without the epidural, I freaked out saying I couldn’t do it. The nurse gave me the pep talk I needed to help me focus and push the baby out. I pushed for only 5 minutes, and a little blue baby was placed on my tummy. The cord had been around his neck and he had a bit of shoulder dystocia. Because he was grunting a bit, I wasn’t too frightened, but it was still scary that he wasn’t breathing at first. After just a few seconds, Thatcher cried and was whisked away to make sure he was doing okay.

Baby Thatch and I bonded instantly, and I’ve been intoxicated with possessive love for this baby boy–maybe because he’s my bonus baby. Labor and delivery happened so quickly–just under 4 hours total–that it was shocking he was in my arms already. The nurse told me I had what was called “a precipitous birth,” so if we ever had another, we’d need to get to the hospital incredibly fast.

Our older three were well-looked after by Aunt Bekah and our friend Debbie. They went berry picking, made cards for me and Thatcher, and visited us in the hospital.

Silas had put gel in his hair for the occasion and was grinning from ear to ear. Cooper was so excited that he was a bit shy, but he loved holding Thatcher. Brynn wore her party dress and a flower in her hair. She instantly began mothering baby brother. The nurses had given each of them a sticker that said, “I’m a big brother”/”I’m a big sister.”

The unexpectedly sweetest moment was seeing all four of our children sitting together in the hospital room. Stephen and I just about cried looking at our beautiful children all together.

Of course, our friends Debbie and Steve had to come cuddle Baby Thatch, and Aunt Bekah squeezed lots of love into her few days with Thatcher.

Stephen and I ate Jimmy John’s sandwiches, sushi, and lox and bagels in celebration that I was no longer pregnant and could finally eat those foods! We came home Thursday evening in the middle of a rain storm. It seemed appropriate that our Little Oregonian would come home during a Portland rain. Thatcher James even wore the Pacific Northwest signature athleisure as his going home outfit.

We were welcomed home with balloons and banners made by the kids. Now we’re figuring out life as a family of six, and so very happy that Thatcher has joined the Moody clan!

Oh Elisabeth, I am so happy for you! I definitely got teary-eyed seeing these precious photos. What precious children, and God has given them the most amazing mother! Love you all! (and what an amazing gift for Rebekah to be there!)
Congratulations! Praying for you. Wish we could meet your sweet baby. He is adorable.?
This is such a beautiful and sweet tribute to the Lord’s kindness to your family! Your love for each one and the sweet ways they are growing in showing that to each other is so special to read about! Hugs to all of you!
Loved every minute of being with you each for this exciting week; kisses to that adorable Thatcher-boy!