brynn, cooper, education, elisabeth, entertaining, grade school, hinson, house, just life, preschooler, silas, sports, stephen

The September Sprint

It feels like we can start breathing again–now that we’re nearly half-way through October. These days are flying by! So many things begin in September that it’s perhaps more of a “new year” experience than January.


School has been the easiest transition. We’re so proud of Cooper taking on the challenge of kindergarten, navigating hot lunch in the cafeteria, and embracing new friends. {He has one little classmate who literally hugs Cooper at dismissal.}

Cooper’s turn to be the “star student” came early this year. He diligently filled out the All-About-Me poster, brought show-and-tell items to school each day for a week, and then his classmates wrote down all the things they like about Cooper in return.

Here’s Cooper attempting to sing his ABC’s. {click picture to see video}

Silas loves his teacher and is currently knee-deep in reading the first of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. He even dressed up as Frodo for Book Character Dress Up day at school. Cooper went as a lovable Pete the Cat.

Silas has been perfecting his jumping-off-a-swing skills. {click picture to see video}

Soccer has been a lot of fun since Silas is playing with the same awesome friend group he’s had since kindergarten. These boys have played t-ball, soccer, and baseball together for several seasons with the same dedicated dads coaching. We love these families. Silas’s team is learning more of the soccer strategies and positions of the game as they play 4 on 4 with other leagues.

Cooper had been dreading soccer, but was won over when he scored a goal during his very first practice. He’s on the Badgers team and plays 3 on 3. It’s absolutely hilarious to watch! He’s usually in his own little world, but as soon as the ball is kicked, it’s like he’s an avatar in a video game that’s automatically turned on. He hunches his shoulders up and holds his elbows out like he’s the Incredible Hulk. He furrows his brow and starts scanning the field for the ball while gorilla jumping towards it. Cooper pretty much runs circles around whoever is kicking the ball, grabs handfuls of grass, and is oblivious to the game action, but since the ball sometimes accidentally hits him, he thinks he’s playing soccer. I’m dying laughing!

Ballet is a new activity for Brynn this fall. We found a Tiny Tutus class with our local Parks and Rec. She loves her ballet outfit and is excited to dance to the music in front of the big mirrors. I’m discovering that she’s a class clown and gets the other girls to make silly faces and noises as they follow her antics.

The siding on our garage is finally finished! Stephen took on re-siding the three outer walls of our garage this summer. With the summer being one of the hottest on record, he didn’t finish as quickly as expected. But it’s done now and in the process of being painted to match the rest of our house.

Church has kept us on our toes. Stephen and I are both teaching separate children’s classes on Sunday mornings, and we’ve begun hosting a mid-week small group in our home. More and more people who live on the west side of the Willamette River are joining Hinson, so we’ve had the opportunity to start a new community group and are currently studying Colossians together.

Because we value table fellowship and scruffy hospitality, Stephen suggested we send out an open invitation to anyone on the west side who wants to join us for Sunday lunch each week this fall. It’s been fun to see who shows up and to spend time with church family that we don’t normally see.

Stephen had the privilege of preaching one Sunday night on a passage from Exodus. I thought it was his best sermon yet! We appreciate Hinson’s emphasis on equipping saints for the work of the ministry. Through programs like the Simeon Trust, Verity Training (now The Gospel Coalition’s Women’s Training Network), and Hinson’s mentorship of small group leaders and Bible study discussion leaders, both Stephen and I are learning study and presentation skills to aid us in faithfully handling God’s Word for ourselves and for others. I’m enjoying leading a discussion group at Women’s Bible study again, and this year I’m excited to have the chance to teach the group a couple times. Thankfully, I have a mentor teacher who is giving me feedback and guidance throughout the process.

This fall has been a sunny, warm season so far. The leaves are gorgeous, and breathing deeply feels good about now.

1 thought on “The September Sprint

  1. I love that since my visit now I can picture where you are in your photos 🙂 Sounds like a busy, but fun season!

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