Our little girl loves dogs. Brynn will hear a dog at the nearby park or will see one coming her way before I can even notice the dog. She’ll point and say, “Ruff,” and blow kisses. So we threw a puppy party for her second birthday.
Her day began with balloons and streamers–a birthday tradition around here.
Brynn Kathryn is officially two years old! She grew four inches this past year, according to our growth chart ruler in the kitchen. She now stands at 2 ft 10 in.
I love to watch her dance and see the sheer joy on her face when something delights her. She’s got quite the expressive range.
Brynn has the cadence of conversation down. She’ll use babytalk sounds to fill sentences and then pop out here and there with a word she knows. She sprinkles in words like “Silas, daddy, mommy, ball, and cup.” When I’m working in the garden, she’ll come hug my back and say, “I lah loo!” (I love you).
Just within this past year, Brynn has grown a full head of lovely, long curls. By way of reminder, here’s her first birthday pictures.
Every child needs to have at least one pathetic birthday cake made by their mommy. So here’s Brynn’s puppy cake made by me.
Stephen pitched in and made some puppy chow and showed Brynn puppy videos on You Tube.
After supper, Brynn opened her presents and a package from our good friends in Arizona. Brynn now has several new cute outfits, her own camp chair and apron, The Velveteen Rabbit book (so good!), a backyard sprinkler, and several other toys.
She loved the doll stroller best and immediately took several laps around the house pushing her stroller.
Because she loves to play superheroes with Cooper, we gave her some girl capes and masks–Batgirl, Supergirl, Spidergirl, and Wonder Woman. Too many to choose from!
I’ve been loving having a little girl. She’s very aware of everything I do and everything I wear. She wants to imitate me, and even helps with laundry and cleaning. But, Brynn is also influenced by her brothers, so she loves throwing the football and ]has a decent spiral! She’s adding new words all the time–especially since we’re emphasizing using words instead of whining. We’ll often find her sitting with a book on her lap “reading” to herself.
Life is sweeter with a little girl in our family!
Happy birthday sweet Brynn!! Those superhero capes are awesome! Charlie is also a huge fan of pushing the baby stroller when he’s at moms, I’m glad Brynn is enjoying hers 🙂