That’s how I felt on Mother’s Day this year. And I’m thankful. The happiness of it caught me by surprise.
While I always send my mom a Mother’s Day card, I especially enjoyed writing hers this year. I know she’s been a mom of little people, just like I am right now. I’m so thankful for her sacrifice of personal space, of personal time. By her selflessness, she has laid down her very life for me over and over again, and that’s grace. Grace she could only get from God.
God has graced my life with three lovely little babies, and I don’t deserve such gifts. Silas made me my very own coloring book, but he couldn’t wait until Mother’s day to present it to me. He’s discovered the stapler, so the coloring book was a natural outgrowth of his new craft medium.
Stephen and Cooper made a video for me of all the things Cooper loves about me as his mom. Here’s his masterpiece:
In case you couldn’t catch Cooper’s words, he’s thankful we didn’t die this morning, that robbers never come to our house, that no bad guys are fighting us yet, that our house didn’t get fire in it before, that we didn’t smash our TV in hot lava, and that we have candy. I didn’t realize my motherhood was being rated by how many violent disasters our family could avoid. (I also love that when Stephen tries to re-direct Cooper’s train of thought, Cooper immediately shuts him down. “Thanks, but no thanks, Dad!”)
After Sunday morning church (and some of the kindest Mother’s Day texts and a card that were the highlights of my day), Stephen and the kids treated me to lunch at Miracle Mile Deli. Though it might sound like a lame lunch destination, their pastrami sandwich is melt-in-your-mouth amazing! We’ll miss “The Straw” sandwich when we move to Portland.
By the Spirit’s strength, I can live out my motherhood as a mirror that reflects God’s character to those around me. Sadly, my reflection of Him is broken, at best, but God has grace and merciful care even for mommies. I take heart when I read this scripture.
He will tend his flock like a shepherd;
he will gather the lambs in his arms;
he will carry them in his bosom,
and gently lead those that are with young.
Isaiah 40:11 ESV
Tell Cooper that I’m so glad you didn’t smash your t.v. in Lava, and that you didn’t die, and you didn’t have robbers in the house. His video was so cute. I thought it was great. and I’m really glad that you had a great mother’s day.
The photo of you with the kids is beautiful!! I’m so glad you had a happy mother’s day. And that video of Cooper is so precious.
You are one brave woman taking three kids to the store!