My firstborn is now 5 years old. As an emotional mommy, I kind of wanted to feel sad because it’s what mommys do. But, Silas was so thrilled to be five that I couldn’t help but be excited and happy for him. He had a great 5th birthday!
On the Saturday before his birthday, Silas and Stephen went to the hardware store to pick out Silas’s first set of real tools. They came home with a hammer, tape measure, wrench, screwdrivers, level, pliers, and a brand new kid-sized tool box. Silas was such a little workin’ man when he showed me his tools. Stephen got a piece of scrap lumber out of the garage for him to use as practice for hammering nails and tightening screws. Silas even got an electric screwdriver.
November 2nd started with me decorating our kitchen with Spiderman stuff. Spidey Silas measured 3 foot 6 inches on our growth chart.
The Goodmans came by to give him their present of a book all about the human body. Silas has been interested in organs and skeletons and learning about our bodies. With all his grandparents far away, Silas was blessed to have a visit from his “adopted grandparents.”
That afternoon, I made my first attempt at a decorated birthday cake and was reasonably happy with how it turned out. I used Wilton sugar sheets to cut out Spiderman’s eyes and to wrap the cake in a city skyline silhouette.
After a supper of beef, pasta, and carrots (per Silas’s request) we opened presents and ate cake and ice cream. Mommy and Daddy bought him a toolbelt to go with his new toolset, and he also received $5, the game of Operation, and a Batman costume.
The Snap Circuits from Grandma and Grandpa were an instant hit. Silas and Stephen built their first circuit right away.
Grammy and Grampy gave him a children’s version of Pilgrim’s Progress, which he’s been really getting into when we read it before bed. We let Silas stay up late the night of his birthday, and he and Stephen built a fort out of the new Lincoln logs from Uncle Ben.
The next day, Silas’s best friend and family came over to give Silas a Spiderman punching bag. The boys had a superhero battle in the back yard.
The excitement didn’t end there since we hosted a birthday for Silas at Sundance Park in Buckeye this past Tuesday. I rented an Avenger bouncy house for him and invited his friends for a hot dog cookout. The day was beautiful, but the wind was relentless. In spite of the wind and cold, the party was a success!
Stephen and Ruben grilled hot dogs over charcoal (a first for Stephen) while the kids jumped in the bouncy house and played on the playground. We ate supper, sang “Happy Birthday,” and ate cupcakes while trying to stay warm.
It was too windy for candles and opening presents, but Silas loved the bouncy house and playing with his friends!
At home that night, he opened his presents to discover Legos, superhero puzzles, calendar, and activity books, a squishy human body toy, books, clothes, and other toys. Happy 5 years old, Silas Clark! You are Mommy and Daddy’s treasure.
Happy birthday, Silas! Who knew you’d have to deal with cold weather for his birthday party! I’m glad it went well despite the wind 🙂 And those snap circuts are so fun! I got to play with them during a training for work a few months ago.