The desert summer heat isn’t over yet, but summer vacation is (at least for all those school kids). Here’s a little photo recap of some of the things we’ve been up to. We’ve been on the go so much this summer that it passed quickly this year–which was unusual. June was filled with swim lessons, vacation Bible school and family visits.
Then came the 4th of July (cookout with friends and a visit to the Goodyear ballpark for fireworks)
and a whole month of swim lessons. Silas started in the beginners (white) level and then advanced to the red level. By the end, he even jumped off the diving board by himself with no help at all. I was shocked!
This summer we took advantage of the free lunches for kids served by our local public schools. We went with friends and joined in the fun activities the schools provided like a visit from some zoo animals and water day with the fire department.
The local libraries hosted lots of summer events. The boys and I made our own ice cream at the Avondale library. I had no idea you could make ice cream in ziploc bags.
The Challenger Space Center came to the Goodyear library to teach us about outer space.
So much cuteness and mischief fills our days. Cooper loves markers, damp towels and shoes.
Summer days were filled with reading, watching TV, playing inside and outside.
Stephen even set up a shooting gallery for Silas to try his aim with his rubber band gun.
With the sweltering temps outside, indoor play areas make the summer months more bearable. We met some friends at Jubeelieve to try out their toys. Silas and Cooper loved it!
At the end of July we went camping for the first time since Stephen and I have been married. Our church group went to the Fort Tuthill campground near Flagstaff. The boys had a blast on their first camping trip and earned the battle scars to prove it! The first thing Cooper did when we arrived at the campsite was to do a face plant. His little baby feet aren’t used to navigating rocky hillsides. Poor Silas fell off the playground equipment, and a huge goose egg appeared on his forehead. Despite those mishaps, I loved seeing my dudes explore nature like little boys are supposed to do. We ended our camping trip with a visit to Williams, AZ and the Historic Route 66.
Love these three men and the time I get to spend with them!
So much cuteness in this post!! What a fun-filled summer. I’m so ready for fall (now that I don’t have to worry about school at least!)