arizona attractions, community, holidays

Christmas Lights

Last night we loaded the boys into the car after supper to see some neighborhood Christmas lights. Silas sang carols with us as we drove.dec3001dec3002

Stephen found a map of the Valley where neighbors could register their homes as light displays for others to come see. Our first stop was impressive for a single home, and a lot of the other nearby homes were pretty too. Silas seems to especially like the inflatable yard decorations.dec4001dec3003

Unfortunately, our three year-old and one year-old were done looking at lights after just one stop. Silas was crying to go home to eat some “fud” (fudge), and Cooper was asleep! We managed to coerce Silas into going to one more light display by entertaining him with stories while we drove.

Maybe next year the boys will enjoy the lights more, but they at least liked eating fudge when we got home!

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