Happy half birthday to Cooper! Our little man turned six months old yesterday. He’s such a tall baby and very strong too. Man, he’s got a grip! His little fingers curl so tightly around my hair, my neck, my shirt. Once he has Mommy, he does everything he can to make sure he doesn’t let me go. I can’t stop kissing this little bowling ball of a baby.
Cooper is doing well at sitting. He still topples over all the time, but I’m guessing that by next month he will have mastered sitting and started to crawl. He twists, turns, rolls, and kicks his way into becoming mobile. Pretty soon he’ll have the army crawl figured out.
He loves to grasp toys and chew on everything. Banging the table, the ottoman, or the dashboard is a lot of fun too! When Cooper gets excited, he starts running “air miles”, kicking his legs with vigor. Sometimes he just looks at us so matter-of-factly. He squeals, coos, and makes dragon noises too. Baby laughs are the best, and Cooper is so ticklish on his chest and underarms. I love making him laugh!
Baby is now eating oatmeal and veggies and fruit. Surprisingly enough, he seems to really like green beans. His face was so funny when I fed him peaches since they were a little sour.
We’ve now graduated him up from his baby bathtub to taking baths in the sink. He likes to splash the water, and doesn’t seem to mind baths at all.
Last night we sang “Happy Half Birthday to Cooper” and celebrated with a half-used candle in half a cookie. Silas was kind enough to blow the candle out for Cooper, and then we ate half a cookie each.
Cooper tried two little cookie crumbs, but it will be a while yet before he can have his own cookie.
What a gift this little guy is! So thankful for God’s gift to us in Cooper.
Cooper is so precious.Happy six month birthday Cooper.