Vacation Bible School is our church’s largest single outreach event of the year.
Although our church has only 8 children of VBS age, we hosted a total of 91 children during last week’s VBS program! In the past I’ve helped with VBS at churches larger than Crossroad, and we would often have around 20 children attend.
I’m encouraged to see the great response our community has to receiving church literature on their door. Usually, every time our church canvasses a neighborhood, we have visitors that next Sunday. As I mentioned earlier, the staff from Grand View Camp passed out several hundreds of flyers, and CBC promoted the event in the West Valley View newspaper.
This year’s theme was a race car theme titled “Rev It Up!”
A team of teens and adults from Northwest Valley Baptist came to run the event. Most of them had helped us last year, so they knew what to do, and the week went smoothly.
Silas and I attended on Thursday and Friday.
We sat in on the music practices, Bible lessons, crafts, games, snacks, and visits from the puppets.
Every day the children were visited by a “race car mechanic” named Speed Bump. He helped introduce the Bible lesson the children would learn that day.
We thank God that 14 children put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation during our VBS.
For the final day, the parents were invited to a mini music program where the kids showcased the Bible songs they learned. Each child was given a pencil box filled with school supplies, a gospel tract, a Hot Wheels car, and a Wordless Book bracelet.
We’ve already been able to have some follow-up with two families whose children attended VBS as they came to our worship services on Sunday. Hopefully several other families will visit our church as a result of our Rev It Up Vacation Bible School.
We are planning to use this theme this summer and purchased the
kit, but most of the supplies are out of stock. Is there any chance that you would be willing to let us purchase you left over materials? We
are in a small town in Kansas. Our church had 268 students from the
community last year for vacation Bible School. Most of these kids are not from our church and this is the only time many of them enter a church during the year. I purchased the kit last year anticipating using
it this year. Anxious to hear back from you. Debbie Duncan
Thanks for asking! We’ll check with our pastor and get back with you. Sounds like your VBS is a great outreach for your church! Hope we can help.
Hi. My church did Rev It Up for VBS in 2000. Was there. Song called Obey-O ? Can’t remember ?
Actually, I couldn’t tell you for sure since I attended only 2 days. But, I’m fairly sure the mission team chose their own songs to use in place of the curriculum suggestions.
Like a previous poster, I am looking to do this theme for VBS next summer (2019). I’m struggling to find ANY materials. If your church still has anything please let me know and I will be glad to purchase and pay for shipping. Thank you so much! May God continue to bless your ministry.
LeNell, we have since moved out of state, but here’s a link to the church in AZ where this VBS was held. You could contact them or the church that came to help us (Northwest Valley Baptist Church) as they might still have some resources.