
{Valentine} Dinner and a {Wedding} Movie

Last Friday night we had the Horkavys to dinner, and afterward we showed them our wedding video. Now before you think we’re crazy, let me start from the beginning of the story. 🙂

Summer of 2009 we took our survey trip out West to visit several church plants and see where the Lord would lead us to move. On our very, very first visit to the Horkavys’ they showed us their wedding video. In Ryan and Jen’s defense, they had a very good reason for showing it to us. We were talking about our mutual friend, Josh Crockett, who was also at their wedding. They began describing their get-away car and decided to show us the video of the car. That, in turn, evolved into us watching almost the entire wedding. But, watching the wedding video has been a joke between us ever since!

So, Stephen and I decided to subject them to watch our wedding video. We invited them over for dinner and a movie, but kept the movie a surprise. I made it into a mini Valentine’s Day dinner with hearts, candles, and raspberry cupcakes (which turned out very yummy, especially for my first try!).

Then we all settled in to watch a movie. Ryan and Jen burst out laughing as soon as they saw what was coming!

We topped off the evening with Uno and some very competitive rounds of Dutch Blitz. Silas even joined us at the table to watch the action. (He’s definitely in that “Tweety Bird” stage. Someday he’ll grow into his head…maybe.)

So glad we have friends who we can tease and who will watch our wedding video and actually enjoy it!

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