holidays, media, music, religion, thoughts

Celebrating Christmas

Stephen and I love spending time with family, exchanging presents, singing Christmas carols, drinking holiday coffee, seeing the snow fall (which we are missing here in Phoenix!) and decorating with red and green. But that’s not really why we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is when we remember Christ’s incarnation. Deity became humanity. The purpose for Jesus’ birth in a manger in Bethlehem was so that He could purchase for us the gift of eternal life with God in heaven.

Christmastime is a beautiful season to explain this purpose of God’s sending His Son. Because we humans are sinful and can never earn a place in God’s perfect heaven, God–Who must justly punish sin–mercifully sent His perfect Son to take our punishment. Jesus died in our place on the cross. Because of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, God offers to everyone who will trust in Him, the gift of life in heaven that never ends. As a gift, this life cannot be earned–only received. We each individually can receive this gift by transferring our trust from ourselves, our good works, our religious achievements, etc. and placing our faith in Christ alone.

5 Eternal Questions is a short CD that clearly explains the Gospel through music and dialogue. Perhaps it will help you more fully understand Christmas and the purpose of Christ’s incarnation. Perhaps it will be a tool you can utilize to tell others you love about this good news!

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