We’ve so enjoyed our families this month. At the beginning of August, my parents and 3 sisters stopped off in Anderson for the weekend. They traveled all over the country (literally from eastern Pennsylvania to Washington state) holding church meetings and camps. They presented their ministry here at Grace in a Sunday evening service.
I was even able to sing with them for a few songs! Dad played the armonica (water glasses), hurdy-gurdy, accordion, and fiddle. He also did impromptu object lessons and drama.
We celebrated my mom’s birthday and had a great time together. Stephen and I had expected to be moved out West before August, so we were thankful to have one more Indiana visit with them.
That next weekend on the 8th, we drove up to Ambia, IN, to say hello to Stephen’s Grandma Myers and the Meece family. They live out in the country, so we were able to shoot some guns that afternoon.
It was great to see them all again and even get to meet some of Stephen’s first cousins once removed for the first time! đŸ™‚ (Yes, I enjoy knowing the exact relationships between people.)
In keeping with the family theme of the month, David and Tammy came up to Anderson on the weekend of the 16th for their wedding reception at GBC. They popped in on us Friday night, and we stayed up talking, laughing and watching random video clips until the wee hours of the morning! The next day it was bowling with all the sibs and then a family dinner at Mom & Dad’s. Stephen and I finished out the evening with video games and a bike ride, respectively.
The reception on Sunday afternoon was great, and Grandma Moody even made an appearance!
We were glad to be able to see the newly married couple since we probably won’t be together this Christmas.
In the meantime, my sister Charis had come home to Plymouth, IN, where she will be teaching English and German once again. So, we invited her down the next weekend for an overnight stay. I’m going to miss my Hoosier buddy, but I’m so glad she’s happy in Plymouth! Charis left Saturday evening, and Stephanie, Amy and Tim came over afterward. The girls were heading down to Greenville, SC, the next morning so we wanted to say goodbye.
Stephanie, Amy and Jon will be sharing an apartment in Greenville, and they all plan to attend BJU this fall. Stephanie has 2 more years of her nursing degree. Amy and Jon will both be freshman.
Of course, it’s been marvelous to be living so close to Stephen’s parents and youngest brothers these past 3 years. We will miss them incredibly! Every Sunday we go over to their house for one of mom’s famous family dinners.
I’ve learned a lot about cooking from her! Dad had some puppies he was getting ready to sell.
p.s. The Moodys own a hen (bought by Jon for Mom at Rural King for 48 cents). Her name is Wooster, and she lays an egg every day. That puppy chow she eats must be working since Wooster laid a double-yolk egg the other day! Randomness is sublime!
How blessed we are to be placed in the families God chose for us!