I’m writing today to say how much I’ve enjoyed this little corner of the interwebs for the past thirteen years. Yes–13 years ago today I wrote my first blog post. And Stephen’s blog {that he started back in 2006 before we were married} slowly became my place to write.

I’ve found so much joy in recording memories, chronicling our adventures, and sharing pieces of my heart. In fact, just typing these words on the screen brings a sense of rightness. Writing has been a creative outlet for me. But more than that, it’s seen me grow from a newlywed to now a mother of four. I’ve moved from Indiana to Arizona to Oregon. This blog has been a life-line through dark seasons, isolation, and early motherhood days. It’s fostered connection with far off family and friends, and I’ve found joy in the rhythm and routine of it. I enjoy the challenge of honing this writing craft. And though I’m hesitant to admit it–I’ve started to think of myself as a writer.
Of course I’m not a writer on a grand scale, but after typing 677 posts over 13 years, I’m recognizing that writing has become a part of me.
So, with lots of emotions tugging at my heart, I write to say that I’ve decided to stop blogging.
I experimented with not writing for a few months back in late 2018, and I really missed it! I’m sure I’ll miss it now too. The missing of it will always be hard no matter when I stop.
But after mulling it over, I know it’s the right choice for our family–at least for now. The boys are growing up and starting to notice what I post. As the seasons of life shift, perhaps my writing should too. I’m hoping that saying “goodbye” to the blog will mean saying “hello” to other writing outlets. Maybe a family yearbook for recording memories? Maybe more handwritten letters? Journaling? We’ll see.
My current project is finding a way to preserve this blog in book form, so the posts should still be up for a while as I work on that.
For all of you who have visited this little blog, read my ramblings, commented and connected…thank you, truly. I’ll miss this space, but I’d still love to connect with you. Our hearts and home are always open.
With love, Elisabeth
How has it been 13 years!? I’ve enjoyed reading your blog posts. Good luck on your new writing adventures!??
I will miss watching your family grow. Your ‘little’s have been a pleasure to see. Your moves, your adventures where GOD planted you, and the activities have been fun to see, and read about. While reading your blog I prayed for your family through your joys, and your sorrows.
You will be deeply missed!!
Keep in touch!!
Brenda, this means so much. Not only that you were reading along all these years, but also (and especially) your love and prayers. Maybe we’ll be able to connect on the Eastern Shore one of these days.
Thanks for reading, Stacy! I’m thankful for the time we had together in AZ.
I urge you not to stop for so many reasons. This well written and well illustrated blogs is your family’s history that is maybe more enriching that the vast number of slides your dad has inherited and is now enjoying taken when we were kids because without the written explanation the picture have less value. You think you will remember so many great things in your life but you don’t. I have journals starting in 1990. Without kids of my own I wonder who will read them but for you kids this is the best gift you can share. I used to write stories about our travels but over the years people stopped commenting on them so I thought no one was reading them. Only when I later visited these scattered friends did they remark how much they missed them. I could say more to encourage you but I hope you decide to continue because your posts do one thing I tell people thru my talks is I makes you look for the best things each day, it makes you a happier person, and the writing locks the memory much stronger. How I wish your grandparents and your uncle Tim left behind their stories which are mostly lost and without your dad and myself after we pass will be even less known. Consider what ever is leading you to stop as a bump in the road. Thru your blog and Charis newsletter I know you both much better
I hear you, Uncle John, and believe me that it’s those beautiful reasons to write that have kept me typing all these years. This resonates with me! Ultimately it’s not the writing and recording of memories that I’m stepping back from, but the online public nature of it. For our family, at least in this season of life, I’d like to try other avenues of journaling. I’m so happy you’ve been reading my posts, and I appreciate your kind words and loving care for us. Come visit us anytime your travels bring you close by! Hugs
I love your writing, you definitely have a gift, andI hope you continue in one form or another. I’ll miss checking in on you via the blog, but it just means I’ll need to e-mail you more. Love you cousin!
Laura, you are the one I’m going to miss the most! You’ve faithfully read and commented on my posts all these years. I’ve loved being “blog pen pals” with you, cousin. Email sounds fantastic. Love you!