Our drive over the mountains was beautiful. The roads clear, the air crisp, and the snowy peaks breath-taking.

By now, Bend is one of the kids’ favorite places. We drove over at the beginning of December for GreenLoop’s annual Christmas party. This one was special because we video conferenced with the Phoenix office and two remote employees–one of whom is my sister-in-law Tammy.
After an evening of amazing food and white elephant gifts, we took our troop back to the hotel–another magical place for our little people. When we had first arrived, Silas unpacked all his earthly treasures in about 2.5 seconds and carefully arranged them by his bedside, creating his ‘home away from home.’

The lack of snow in the city proper brought our children to tears as they were hoping for some sledding. Thankfully, deep snow was just a short drive away, and the sledding at Wanoga was epic!

Cooper flipped on his head one ride down the bumpy mountainside.

Silas went airborne for more than one descent, and they all took snow spray to the face.

Eventually Cooper figured out how to sit at the front of the sled and use his feet as brakes in order to stay on his sled for the entire ride.
Stephen found Brynn a brynn (aka “little hill”) to sled down that was just her size.

Thatcher and I watched, took pictures, tried to warm ourselves by the bonfire, and cheered on everyone’s successes.

Back at the hotel, it was hot chocolate by the fireplace, pool time, and then movie night in bed.

My favorite part of the trip was the drive home Monday night. We ventured off the beaten path to eat supper at Mill City Grill. A wagon full of local teens rolled by and yelled, “Merry Christmas!”

From the backseat, we heard Silas laugh out loud as he told us Cooper was looking at the stars and said, “Silas, I see the pan!” Silas was quick to tell him that was, in fact, the Big Dipper.
I want to remember Brynn’s exuberance at every lighted Christmas tree along the way. I want to remember Stephen’s goofiness as he added “like George Washington” to the end of every Christmas carol line in order to annoy Silas. I want to remember our sheer happiness at listening to the crazy carol Dominic the Donkey. It just might become our official family Christmas carol. The hee-haws make it.
What a fun getaway Bend has become for you!! I think Brynn definitely has a future in swim dancing! Love you!