We finally did it–an entire family costume theme for Halloween! Touchdown!

While brainstorming ideas for baby/mother costumes for Thatcher and me, Cooper excitedly suggested, “Thatcher can be a pumpkin, and Mom can dress up as a porch!” {love that boy}
Thankfully, we ran the Colts football route instead. Silas was T.Y. Hilton, but Cooper didn’t want to be a football player–so he was the referee. Brynn was thrilled to be a Colts cheerleader, and Thatcher made the most adorable football you’ve ever seen. Stephen and I threw on his Manning and Luck jerseys to complete the team.

Carving pumpkins was a lot faster this year since we’ve had some practice, bought the right tools, and have kids big enough to help carve. I loved the jack o’ lantern pumpkins from WinCo this year. So easy to prep! Silas chose the Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings, Cooper carved a bat, and Brynn wanted a unicorn.

Trick-or-treating is a lot of fun in our neighborhood. We always start out visiting our cul-de-sac neighbors and seeing everyone’s costumes. Then we choose a different starting route each year, but end up on Tuscon Street. That’s where the action is! The homes are close together and give lots of candy, and we always run into friends from school.

The King and Queen of Hearts were back again this year. They’re the cutest husband/wife duo in their seventies who dress up each year. We also love stopping by the kids’ kindergarten teacher’s house, and the spooky house at the end of the street always has a giant cat on the roof that moves his head to scare the kids. After the pumpkin buckets have been filled a couple of times, we head home to commence the candy feast!
The kids get to eat all the candy they want on Halloween night while we watch a movie together. The school district was smart to schedule a staff work day for November 1st.