September was a month of no white space. No margin in our lives. One of the hardest parts was being apart so much. Brynn was gone for over 2 weeks, Stephen took a work trip to Phoenix for 5 days, and Thatcher and I flew to Pittsburgh for 3 days at the end of the month.

So many activities begin in September! It’s the new January.

Soccer starts. {in full swing}
Cooper is a Badger again, on the same team with a lot of school friends. He’s understanding the concept of soccer more and enjoys playing defense. He told me he hums a song in his head to help him play and stay focused. Love that dude!

Silas is playing 7 on 7 this season with a goalkeeper for the first time. He’s been playing with these same guys since kindergarten, and their coach really strives to teach them soccer skills and give everyone equal time on the field. Silas is loving playing actual soccer.

Piano Lessons start.
On the recommendation of my friend, Silas and Cooper are taking piano lessons from the most adorable, real-life Mary Poppins who teaches kids out of her home. I was shocked that both boys are really motivated to practice. I found an 88 weighted key Yamaha on craigslist this summer, and we bought headphones for it. Best decision ever. The boys can practice while the baby sleeps or whenever works for them since no one else can hear it. They’re picking it up quickly, and their teacher is impressed with their progress.

Moms In Prayer starts.
Since our group leader’s son graduated to middle school, I’m co-leading the group with my friend Jamie who is the main lead. This sweet group of believing mamas is such an encouragement to my heart. We pray together for our kids and our school teachers and staff twice a month. I’m so thankful to be walking through elementary school parenting with these dear ones.

Small Group starts.
For the second year we’re leading a Hinson small group in our home on Wednesday nights. It’s been rewarding to live in community with our group as we study the Word, pray, and share life together. I love watching Stephen grow as a group facilitator.

Women’s Bible Study starts.
Because I wasn’t sure what Thatcher’s personality would be, I stepped back from being a table group discussion leader this year. But, thankfully, I’ll still have the opportunity to teach twice. For this first semester, we’re learning Biblical Theology (reading the Bible as one united story and seeing how it all points to Christ–Luke 24:27, 44) as we work through Vaughan Roberts’ book, God’s Big Picture. I’m excited to study the book of Hebrews next semester since it explicitly shows the fulfillment of the tabernacle and the priesthood set up in book of Exodus that we studied last year.

Here’s hoping October gives us a chance to settle into some healthy routines.

What a full schedule you have! So many good things 🙂 Also, a piano with headphones is GENIUS. I’ve been toying with signing the kids up for lessons this winter but thought maybe I could make them practice at Mommom’s house haha
LOL! One of the many advantages of living close to your mom…She is a saint!