As life goes on, I’m more aware of its complexities. Mother’s Day used to be a simple day for me–I celebrated my mom, and then eventually, I celebrated being a mom myself.

But as wiser friends have taught me, Mother’s Day is both joyful and painful. There are friends I love dearly who have not been able to have children–whether through singleness, infertility, or a marriage late in life. There are those who’ve lost mothers or children. Those who have strained relationships with their mother or child. Sometimes I feel like foregoing the holiday altogether.

But then I remind myself that good gifts are to be celebrated. And motherhood is definitely a good gift from our loving Father–one filled with delight, happy tears, and baby kisses. Mothering is tough, selfless work that is worthy of honor.

And so we celebrated. Stephen took me to nearby Cornell Farms to pick out a flowering plum tree for our front yard. Can’t wait to watch it grow into a thing of beauty.

The boys gave me the most precious cards they had made in school.

It’s hard to read all the cuteness in Cooper’s card from the picture, so here’s what it says:
My mom is 25 years old. My mom likes to take naps. {Thankfully his teacher knows I’m expecting.} My mom’s job is keeping me safe. My mom says, “Time to go to bed.” I like to snuggle with my mom. My mom’s favorite thing is my family. I love when my mom says I can snuggle with her.
From Cooper To Mom
Silas wrote, “There is no one like you. I love you, Mom.” These are some of my favorite cards ever!

Brynn gifted me a necklace we had in the house, and I loved that she thought of me.
As a soon-to-be mom of four, I’m thankful for all the many sacrifices my mom made for me and my sisters. Just enduring four pregnancies and deliveries is a LOT of work! God is good to have blessed me with a mom who loves Jesus and cares for her family.

But most of all, I’m leaning into the hope that the gospel brings to Mother’s Day. For those whose hearts are heavy, Jesus offers complete satisfaction in Himself. As Christians, our true family is not our family of origin, but our family of adoption–the Church. For those without mothers or children, we find them in our church family. For those with strained relationships, we find perfect reconciliation with Christ. For those with unfulfilled longings, we look to Christ and find that He Himself is enough.

Such sweet cards from your boys!! You look good, mama–the end is in sight!!