Oh, those chubby cheeks get me every time! I could just kiss Cooper’s little face every time I walk past him.
We threw him a family party to celebrate his 4th birthday last Sunday.
Stephen and I were excited to give him his treasure map, spyglass, and pirate sword and hat. Cooper has been loving the show, Jake the Pirate, and he and Silas have been really interested in maps too. It was fun to pick out Cooper’s presents.
He and I made his Ironman cake together, and thankfully, Cooper is very forgiving. I thought it would be easy to make my own red frosting with food coloring, but not so. After using almost the entire bottle of red food coloring, the frosting was still only a deep pink. I ran into another snafu when none of the nearby grocery stores had an Ironman figure I could stick on top of the cake. Instead, I used a leftover tube of red decorating frosting to freehand my own version of Ironman’s mask. It’s a sad rendition, but Cooper Andrew still liked it.
Brynn and Cooper were both under the weather, so I stayed home with the two littles while Stephen and Silas went to church. I was sad to miss, but it was sweet to play Sorry! with Cooper and to make Ironman pizza together for lunch.
This little big guy is taller on his 4th birthday than Silas was on his 5th. He is a Moody man 100%.
I think the cake looks great! It’s something I wouldn’t have even attempted! I can’t believe he’s already 4–which means it’s been that long since we were out in AZ visiting you all. Happy birthday to Cooper!