birthday, employment, family, marriage, stephen, vacation


The past few weeks have been fairly monumental for our family. Stephen and my mom share the same birthday, and they both celebrated milestone birthdays this year. Stephen turned 35, and Mom turned 60!

We helped celebrate Mom’s big day with a photo book full of pictures of her visits with us and her grandbabies. Love you, Mom!

Since we had celebrated Stephen’s 35th back in December with friends and family, we weren’t planning to do much for his actual birthday. We even forgot it was his birthday when we invited his boss over for dinner that night!

Don’t worry, Silas helped pick out a special flavor cake (chocolate cherry), and the boys and I made Stephen’s cake together. August200001We did lack birthday candles, though, due to our recent move.August200002

When Stephen’s boss came to dinner, he brought a plaque celebrating Stephen’s 5 years working for GreenLoop IT Solutions. Now, this small company of only 12 employees boasts three offices–Phoenix, Bend, and Portland–with Stephen spearheading the Portland operations.August200003

And finally, we celebrated our 1oth wedding anniversary with a cruise to Alaska! August200004August200005August200007August200008August200006These milestones are times to rehearse God’s grace at work in both the hard times and the easy times. We remember His faithfulness through the blindingly dark valleys and praise Him for His resurrection power in bringing us to the other side where life springs more abundant than before.August200009

(cruise photos courtesy of Norwegian Cruise Line)

2 thoughts on “Milestones

  1. So glad you got some couple time!! I’m so used to seeing photos of people on warm-weather/Caribbean cruises that it seemed odd to see you wearing long sleeves and boots on a cruise! It looked like a great trip though. An Alaskan cruise is on my “someday” list!

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