The Brynn is now 1/2, or as Silas insists, “Zero and a half!” Yesterday little baby sister turned six months old. She’s not sitting on her own yet, but is a supported sitter. She’s also just begun rolling over from back to tummy. I think she’s just such a contented, laid back girl that being mobile isn’t a priority.
As our friend Connie has observed, Brynn lives in a video game as long as she has her brothers’ entertainment to watch. When Silas and Cooper leave her by herself, she begins to complain because someone pulled the plug on her own personal video game that is her brothers!
That little tongue of Brynn Kathryn’s makes an appearance when she’s happy. She loves grabbing toys and touching our faces. The baby ball with a jingle bell in the middle is one of her favorite toys.
Brynn’s brothers love kissing and hugging her, and she responds with delight. It was fun for me to show the guys pictures of their half birthdays too. The boys helped me bake chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and Cooper was enjoying his new birthday apron.
After supper we sang to Brynn and lit a half used candle on her half cookie.
Happy Birthday to a zero and a half year old.
Can’t wait to see these kiddos soon!!!