cooper, house, just life, pregnancy, preschooler, quotes, silas, toddler

Life on Hold

It’s a waiting game now until Baby Sister arrives. I’ve been crossing off the calendar days, and tomorrow is June! I’m 38 weeks and 2.5 cm dilated, but not many contractions yet. I know it’s not true, but I feel as though life is at a standstill until Baby comes. There’s not much I can do and not much I feel like doing.

The nursery is painted, but there are a few places that still need to be touched up before we can move the furniture back in. Girl clothes are hanging in the closet and laying the drawers, and we have a whole basket of teeny tiny diapers ready. I love the headbands we’ve gotten, and I’ve packed several to take to the hospital with us. Most of my bag is packed, and I’ve even packed things for the boys in case they need to spend a couple nights at a friend’s house on short notice.

My prayer has been that God will give me the grace to see these days of waiting as valuable in light of eternity. I don’t want to waste these days I have with with my three men while we wait to become a family of five. I want to love them well.

Silas is growing into a capable big brother who can help Cooper and me, as well as keep us spinning with his questions about life. He told me a while back, “Mom, I REALLY love my daddy.” When I asked him why, he said, “Because he has black hair, and that makes him cool.”

Cooper’s vocabulary has exploded, and I’ve been loving getting to know his little personality these past few months. One day I told Cooper he was too cute, and he told me, “I not too cute. I just rowdy towdy!”

The conversations the boys have with each other are the best ever. I love to hear them discuss life and play.

Silas: “Coop, do you like the yellow ball the most?”
Cooper: “Yes.”
Silas: “Well, I like the green one.”
Cooper: “I like yellow ball.”
Silas: “That’s because you were born to like yellow.”

Mom and Dad Moody come for a week this Friday. We’re excited to have them and hope Baby Sister comes very soon so she can be with them!

2 thoughts on “Life on Hold

  1. I love the little conversations between the kids, and I also liked why Silas loved his daddy, real sweet.Children say the cutest things.

  2. You’re so close! But those last days can be so long. I’m so glad you have family coming to help out soon. Love you!

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