church planting, community, crossroad baptist, faith, preschooler, silas

My First VBS

Even though I’m just 3 1/2, I went to my first Vacation Bible School a few weeks ago. My church was having a free VBS for kids, and the theme was Arrow Island. I got to be in the four and five year old class with Miss Roseanne. Miss Roseanne is a missionary to Haiti, and she and her whole family helped out for the week.june3004june3001

Each day I got to bring my friend from MOMS club to VBS with me–that was fun! Cooper was too little to come, so he spent the days with Miss Connie. I missed my mommy, but she helped out with the VBS snacks, so I could give her hugs and wave to her.june3003

We listened to puppet stories, made crafts, played games, ate snacks, learned Bible stories and verses, and had a great time with friends! The most important thing we learned was the gospel–that since we all disobey God, the only way we can be rescued and go to heaven is by trusting in Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins, but He didn’t stay dead. Jesus came back to life. My mommy and daddy are teaching me about trusting Jesus.

I had so much fun at Vacation Bible School! june3002

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