School bells are ringing for kids across the Valley. Some schools began last Monday, and others began today. As I’ve written before, I relish this season of life that is unfettered–free from the school calendar. (Though, I am starting to feel the pressure of making decisions concerning Silas’s education. At 2 1/2, almost 3, Silas is half way to school age!)
What have we been up to this summer? I’ll let Silas fill you in.
Hi friends! It’s Silas. No, it’s Mr. Incredible. Now I’m Spiderman. Okay, now I’m Silas again. You can tell when I’m Silas because I take my hat off. Almost every day, I wear my Cardinals hat and Daddy’s gloves and pretend to be Mr. Incredible. This is the summer of superheroes!Mommy even taught me how to draw spiders since I love Spiderman so much. I’m working on my alphabet. It goes something like this. “A for Avengers, C for Cooper, D for Daddy, E for Elastigirl, F for Frozone, H for Hulk Smash, I for Ironman and Mr. Incredible, S for Silas and Spiderman…” You get the idea.
Let me just say, Daddy is one awesome playmate! Cooper stares at Daddy all the time and reaches out to touch his nose. I think Cooper loves Daddy.
I love Daddy too. We build blocks together and read books. I especially like it when Daddy chases me around the house. Daddy’s really good at pretending!
I love Mommy too, but Mommy likes to cuddle a lot, and I’m more of an action kind of guy. Cooper likes Mommy’s cuddles though.
Summer is fun because I get to eat ice cream, visit the splash pad,
eat snacks at the park,
and play inside lots and lots.
This summer Cooper can play too! I’m learning how to be a big brother and share with Cooper.
Isn’t Cooper the cutest baby brother? He’s learning to stand and walk and eat by himself. I’m trying to teach him not to spit. One day Mommy, Cooper and I dressed like cows so we could go eat free chicken nuggets. I really didn’t like wearing my cow costume, but I loved playing in the Chick-fil-a playplace!
Mornings start with breakfast, and I’m learning how to eat cereal with milk on it. Mostly I just want to eat the milk with my spoon, but Mommy thinks it’s a good idea to eat the cereal too.
Playing is hard work, so Cooper and I have to take naps. I don’t like to go to sleep, so Mommy and Daddy have been playing my story Bible while I’m in bed to help me go to sleep and learn more about God while I do.
Both Cooper and I filled our library reading charts with stickers this summer. That means we both got prizes and a free book from the library! I love dinosaur books.
Sometimes we get to go to Baby Time at the library. It’s really for babies like Cooper, but I like to go too. We play with toys, read books, sing songs, and make friends.
The other day I had my teeth cleaned at the dentist. The dentist’s office is so cool! I get to wear sunglasses and watch a movie, and I get to pick out two prizes at the end.
I’d better wrap it up soon, but I did want to tell you that I visited Chuck E. Cheese. Mommy’s MOMS club was having a lunch there, so we ate pizza and played. I even gave Chuck E. a high five!
Happy end of summer! Love, Silas.
Silas and Cooper are getting so big. They grow up so fast. Sounds like Silas will be a blog writer from time to time.