arizona attractions, employment, just life, stephen

Picnic with Daddy

Silas couldn’t stop talking about the picnic. Once I told him we were planning a picnic with Daddy, that’s all he wanted to do.Picnic0001

Thursday morning we drove all the way to Tempe to meet Stephen at his work. GreenLoop’s office is unimpressive, but Silas liked visiting “Daddy’s ost-ist” (office) and sitting in Daddy’s orange chair. I’m sure the green M&Ms he got helped too!Picnic0006There have been so many days at home that Silas and I have talked about how Daddy goes to work at the office and how Daddy works so he can take care of us. I’m sure it helped for Silas to see the place we had talked about so much.

Kiwanis Park across the street from GreenLoop was perfect for our picnic. Picnic0005Silas and Stephen fed the ducks, and then we ate our little picnic in a shelter overlooking the water. Picnic0002Picnic0004Picnic0003We had such fun being together in the middle of the day–even if it was short.

3 thoughts on “Picnic with Daddy

  1. Allison, sadly, I don’t remember feeding the ducks! I have a few vague memories from our time on Oak Road.

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