It happened so fast. And then he was here! Cooper Andrew Moody was born on Tuesday, November 27th, at 3:26am. He weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20 inches long. The middle name, Andrew, is a tribute to Cooper’s daddy, Stephen Andrew.Β
I couldn’t believe he had arrived and delivery was over!
He is perfection, and we are thrilled to be a little family of four.
Last Monday, I had my 39 week check up and found that I was still stuck at being 2 cm dilated. I was a bit discouraged, still wanting to deliver a little early, but trying not get my hopes up. For the rest of that Monday I was moving slowly and just not feeling well. Finally, at 8pm I knew I was having contractions, so I began timing them. They were about five minutes apart, so we eventually called our friends to come get Silas so we could head to the hospital.
By the time I made it to the emergency room around 10:30pm, I could no longer walk, and I was 8 cm dilated. Like I said, it all happened so fast. Thankfully, I was able to get an epidural nearly right away…and it actually worked this time! (I had an epidural with Silas, but it just barely took the edge off–I. felt. Once the epidural took effect, we settled in for a few hours until it was time to push.
At 3am, my amazing nurse Michelle, the technician, and Stephen helped me start pushing. Cooper was coming fast, and my doctor was on his way. Soon, the head started crowning, but my doctor had not yet arrived. Michelle told me not to push anymore, but to just breathe through the next contraction. However, Cooper decided he had waited long enough, and I heard Michelle announce that we were going to have a baby. Dr. Oland walked in the room as Cooper’s shoulders were being born. Three cheers for nurses who can deliver babies! I give Michelle a gold star.
Stephen cut the cord, and we saw our son for the first time. He had dark wavy hair (which I really hope he keeps) and dark blue eyes.
Since I had expected a long & hard delivery, I just couldn’t believe I was done and holding my son after just 7 1/2 hours of labor.
God is so very good! We are overwhelmed with His gracious, happy blessings.
Happy birthday, to our mini Cooper!
Did someone you know make his blanket?
This was a great story. May God bless you and your family, Elisabeth. : )
Absolutely precious. Thankful it was easier and shorter than you expected!
He is beautiful ! Congratulations ! Enjoy having your mom there
We are in love with this little guy! Ruth Anna, his blanket was crocheted by Jen Horkavy. It’s super soft.
Congradulation’s again for being parent’s. The baby is just precious!! I love the name that you two picked out. I bet Silas was excited.
Nice pics! Cute baby. I can understand how you would be in love. π
Oh, he is sooo cute! Congrats! I am in love with my new little boy, too! π I love second picture up from the bottom, especially.