{These gorgeous pictures at the park were taken by my cousin Laura.}
Silas Clark celebrated his 2nd birthday yesterday. These past two years have been full of wonder, discovery, learning (both baby and parents), and more love than we knew our hearts could hold.
Parenthood is truly a gift from our good God. We start to see the world through the eyes of a child–joy and amazement in the small things. Holidays take on new meanings. We parents gain insight into our Heavenly Father’s love for us as we unconditionally, sacrificially delight in loving our children and making their eyes sparkle. Our happiness comes by giving happiness to our child.
On Silas’s birthday eve, I knelt by his crib and prayed that one day God would allow him to fully understand the gospel and his need for Christ. That he would place his trust in the Lord and serve him with his life. Salvation would be the best present ever. Earlier that day, I had recounted Silas’s birth story to him–telling him how Daddy walked the halls of the hospital with Mommy, telling her stories of his childhood to distract her from the pain and discomfort. I told Bitty Boy of the happiness he brought at his arrival. He filled our arms and our hearts!
Balloons and streamers hung from the ceiling to make the birthday festive. The Horkavys came over and gave Silas a stuffed soccer ball and a felt tool belt and tool set.
It was the perfect thing for him! Stephen and I had talked about getting him a tool belt for times when he wants to help Daddy around the house.
Silas played with his friends, and then we all ate supper out with the Horkavy family. The waitresses made sure to sing to the birthday boy and bring him some ice cream.
After supper, we all went back to our house for blowing out the candles, eating chocolate cupcakes, and opening presents.
When we sang to him, Silas would join in on the “to me!” part.
He managed to blow out one candle on his own, and then I helped him with the other.
The icing was the best part of the cupcakes for Silas.
Ben and Elizabeth helped Silas open his gifts. It was fun to see him unwrap things from Mommy & Daddy and family & friends. We are so thankful for friends who love our little dude.
Happy 2nd birthday, Silas Clark!
Happy birthday Silas!!