Dear Silas,You are Mommy & Daddy’s treasure. We look at you and smile. Because of you we understand more fully God’s love for us, and that has changed us forever.
We are in awe that God has given you to us so that we may love you, instruct you, delight in you, and learn from you. One day we will have to open our hands and let go so that you can fulfill God’s plan for your life.
But for now, we’ll squeeze you tight, kiss your cheeks, tickle your chunky toes, and cherish the fact that you belong to us. You are ours.
You’re growing in so many ways, Silas Clark. Soon you’ll be as big as Daddy, so we are making lots of memories today. We can’t get enough of you.
All our love,
Mommy & Daddy
You had a really great idea when you wrote that for Silas. That’s something that he can hold on too and read over and over again and treasure all of his life. Your mom-mom and pop-pop Taylor would of been so proud of Silas.
You have a gift of writing. Silas will treasure that in the future!