I’m the Birthday Boy! Grandma colored a banner for me, and Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Bell came to celebrate. Mommy cooked a yummy chicken supper, and then I opened my presents while we Skyped with Aunt Charis all the way in Alaska! I love tissue paper so much that I almost missed the presents underneath it.
There were so many new toys that I didn’t know which one to play with first.
My favorite part was hearing everybody sing “Happy Birthday” to me. I smiled so big because I knew they were singing just for me. Mommy made Great Grandma Moody’s cheesecake and there was one candle in my piece.
It was way more fun to play with the cheesecake than to eat it.
My 1st Birthday Party
November 8, 2011
Sound’s like you had a good birthday Silas, but what’s a skyped?
Skype is a computer program we use to have free video calls over the internet. It’s great for seeing family that’s far away!
that’s sound’s great about the skype.