arizona attractions, just life

Mystery Drive

As a boy, Stephen and his siblings would occasionally be herded into the family van for one of Dad’s famous “Mystery Drives.” They would set out, not knowing the destination, and have a family adventure along the way. Those family day trips are such a happy childhood memory for Stephen that he took me on a Mystery Drive back when we lived in Indiana. I made slips of paper that said left, right, or straight. We put them in a hat, and at each intersection, we’d draw one of the slips of paper and follow its directions. It was great fun to see where we ended up!

Today our good friends the Horkavys are taking us on an all day Mystery Drive! They’re super excited about it (surprises have to be one of their most favorite things in the whole world), and their enthusiasm is rubbing off on me. Stephen has the day off, so I can’t wait for our adventure today. Here are the clues we’ve been given:

Clue #1: Wear good walking shoes.

Clue #2: You might want to bring a jacket.

Clue #3: Wear something you don’t mind getting really wet and bring a change of clothes.

Clue #4: Plan to be with us the whole day. We’re not staying in Phoenix.

Clue #5: Bring Silas’s Moby wrap.

So…….any ideas? Sounds to me like we’re headed north for a hike in a riverbed or a hike to a waterfall. Guess I’d better go pack my things for this awesome adventure!


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