America, I love you! Freedom, I love you!
Yesterday we enjoyed the freedom of a day off–well, Stephen enjoyed that liberty. Silas and I enjoyed having him around for an extra day.
My morning began with a trip to the local grocery store to get a few things for our mini cookout. I wanted to beat the rush by going early. I spent the rest of the day cooking, cleaning a little, and sorting through the rest of my guest room closet. Stephen lugged the huge Christmas tree to the closet to put it away, and we discovered that it’s too big for our closet! Into the garage it went. At least it was a good motivator for me to clean out the closet. I still have one more box to go through, but it’s nice to have some extra space in that room. Stephen spent part of his day attaching baby locks to some of our lower cupboard doors. With Silas’s newfound independence he’ll soon be discovering how to open those cabinets.
We had some friends over for supper, and Stephen grilled his spicy chicken sandwiches and corn-on-the-cob. Our mini cookout even had a patriotic dessert–Grandma Moody’s white cheesecake with raspberries and blueberries on top.
After dinner, we headed over to the Goodyear Ballpark to watch the annual fireworks display. It was fun to go with our friends, Melissa and David. Silas preferred to watch the crowd and their glowsticks rather than watch the fireworks display. When the bangs and pops got too loud for him, he’d bury his face in my arm. Poor baby! Maybe next year he’ll like it.
Hope you had a happy 4th of July!