Indiana lived up to its motto this past week. We flew into Indy to be with the Moodys for a week, and got to reconnect with the Mankas and my best friend along the way!
Baby did amazingly well on the flight. He slept through take-off and landing, and was charming everyone around us with his Silas smiles. I learned that it’s not as hard as I thought to feed and change him on my lap. Of course I have no idea how some moms fly alone with an infant. If it weren’t for Stephen, I’m sure this flight report would be drastically different! Can I just say right now that I loved flying Southwest? Their 2-free-bags-per-ticketed-passenger policy is a breath of fresh air, check-in was unbelievably fast and easy, boarding was a breeze (and much faster than other airlines), and the stewardesses were competent and kind. You can tell a company that’s doing their job well when you see one.
Indiana was lush, green, laid back, and comfortably familiar. How I loved seeing barns!
They quietly stood along every roadside whispering of a lifestyle far different than the fast-paced metropolitan Phoenix. It was sometimes hard for us to believe we were indeed traveling on a freeway and not a back country road.
My entire family was in Plymouth, Indiana with my sister Charis last week, and we drove up to Kokomo to hang out with them the first day we were back home. Silas met Aunt Rebekah for the first time,and the two of them bonded over bottles and a shopping/napping visit to the local mall.
Although our time was brief, we tried to make every minute count. Grandma was overjoyed to see the little guy do his army crawl at the park.
Grandpa even took Silas down a slide and rode the elephant with him!
Although short, our visit was packed with catching up over lunch and coffee, providing Silas with his personal paparazzi team, and hanging out together.
The next morning Amy, Silas, and I headed to Indy to have brunch with my good friend Rebekah who was in Indiana visiting her family. Amy and I got in some girltalk on the drive, and after a little confusion, we finally found the right Le Peeps restaurant where Rebekah was patiently waiting. (Who knew there were two Le Peeps on 86th Street?) Aunt Bekah had a gift for Silas that he could almost open on his own.
The turquoise ribbon intrigued him, but the farm animal bath toys will be a favorite I’m sure.
Our time together was entirely too short as we seem never to have enough time to catch up! We exchanged updates while eating our Eggs Benedict. The next day was Rebekah’s birthday, so I was excited to hand-deliver her gift and card. At the end of our visit Aunt Bekah sang Silas the lullaby she had written for him and her nieces and nephew. He loved it!Rebekah is one of those lifetime friends that happen rarely. She’s walked with me through college; through dating, engagement, and marriage to Stephen; through growing into adulthood and a better understanding of the Bible; and now through motherhood. Because of her, I’ve learned critical lessons about what Christianity looks like in day-to-day living. I’ve often told her that I wish I could foster in myself her attitude of rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep. She’s such an understanding, wise friend who I’m holding onto tightly!
I’m glad you got together with the family.