I had the opportunity to teach Children’s Church for the month of January. I decided to teach the story of Joseph in 5 segments to stretch it out over the month. What fun to teach kids who are so teachable.
We learned lots of new songs like Rolled Away, I’ve Got Joy Down in my Heart-Deep, Deep Down in my Heart, and The Crayon Box Song. The kids had a blast doing all the hand motions, and they caught onto the songs quickly. During the lessons, they sat quietly and participated.
For the final lesson when Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, we made Egyptian masks to illustrate how Joseph probably looked very different and wasn’t easily recognized by his brothers. We have some artistic kids at CBC.
I love seeing our teen girls excited about serving God.
Rachel was my helper for most of the month. She really has a heart for service and will be teaching Children’s Church for the first time in March.
Yvette (far left) worked in Children’s Church with me the last week, and I was encouraged by her enthusiasm for learning God’s Word. Dominique (second from left) regularly teaches Children’s Church and loves working with kids.
The Crossroad kids and teens are blessings to my heart!