This is the strangest autumn Stephen and I have had yet. We’re still wearing short sleeves and enjoying weather in the 80s and 90s, and for the first time since preschool, neither of us have to go to school this year! This life of unemployment and perpetual summer is definitely throwing off our internal clocks.
The corn maze at Tolmachoff Farms last Saturday was great! The farm is literally in the middle of the city. We were driving down a street with sidewalks, lightposts, and houses. Then all of the sudden we were at the entrance to the farm in a world of our own, complete with goats, ponies, and lots of corn! It was a little piece of the country preserved just for us. I loved the pumpkins, bonfire, s’mores, and the apple cider feeling of autumn. Even though the maze wasn’t haunted, it was quite dark and hard to find your way around.
We managed to find 3 pieces of the map before finding an employee who took pity on our group and led us out. For more pictures, check out the Gallery tab.