Our car was the one reliable possession in our time of transition–or so we thought. Although we’ve not yet been in Arizona for a full month, we’ve already had two car repairs. The first was the dysfunctional radiator fan which caused the car to overheat. Thankfully we were with Pastor Ryan, and he let us borrow his van until the needed repairs were made.
This past weekend, we had yet another serpentine belt break on us. The previous serpentine belt broke on a weekend getaway in Chicago in the dead of winter. Stephen’s parents drove four hours to come rescue their poor stranded children! This time the misfortune occurred just as we were returning from an evening walk in the park.
As Stephen turned the car into our covered parking spot, the belt snapped, and we lost power steering. We were so grateful that it happened while we were home rather than on the east side of the valley where we had been earlier that morning.
Since being new to a city means that our network of friends is sorely deficient, we weren’t sure who we could call for a ride to Auto Zone. Thankfully, our friend from church, Ray, was able to help us out by giving Stephen a lift. However, the problem seemed to be that a bearing in the idler pulley had seized, and the pulley would need to be replaced along with the belt.
Because by this time the Auto Zone had closed, Ray and his wife, Lisa, graciously lent us their car for the weekend. What great friends God has given us already!
Monday was car repair day. Thankfully the temperature has dropped to the mid to low 80’s, so the weather is perfect for being out of doors. (The arid climate really makes a difference once the temperature drops to double digits. Anything above 100 is hot, dry heat or no!)
Stephen was able to replace the pulley and the belt, and now our car is back on its wheels again. I have been so grateful numerous times for a man who can get his hands greasy and fix the car!
It’s times like these that I am humbled as I remember my need to be fully dependent on the Lord. While I don’t enjoy having to depend on others for transportation, I am thankful for the lesson it teaches me that nothing is under my control anyway. God is all that we need, and He is our One source of stability.