Bulletin boards seem to be my lot in life this month. I drove up to Plymouth to visit Charis and helped her with her bulletin boards. I also changed GBC’s bulletin board and put up a bulletin board for Stephen and for Kevin, the teacher who is taking my place as 6th grade teacher. I’m glad there’s something I can do to help all the teachers around me.
I am teaching Computer 1 this year for the 9th grade class at ICA. It’s nice to be back to teaching high schoolers again. After the first class period, I realized how much I enjoy teaching high school instead of elementary. My class is first thing in the morning, and then I spend the rest of the day in the church office. One class is enough school for me! It’s been a relief not to be teaching full-time this year. I feel like I can actually breathe! 🙂
The new 6th grade teacher, Kevin, was actually my youth pastor when I was a senior in high school. He and his wife Kimberly told Stephen and me about each other. They ended up singing in our wedding, and their daughter Abby was our flower girl. I am so thankful for their friendship and influence in my life!
Here are a few pictures from my visit with Charis:

Our adopted grandparents offered to buy a couch for Charis, so we went from this…

…to this!

The newest teacher in the Manka family.

I don’t think this sign was supposed to be at eye level! 🙂

i love the door sign at eye level. 🙂