Yes, that is a statement of exasperated joy! Charis is moving to Plymouth, IN where she will be teaching high school English, Literature, and German at Grace Baptist Christian School. She had an apartment all lined up and was staying with us until it became available. Just yesterday she received word that, due to a problem with the current tenant, the landlord decided not to rent to Charis.
So…. this morning began the fast and furious hunt for a place to live since teacher in-service begins August 7 (next Thursday!!) for Charis. We took off early this morning and drove the two and a half hours up to Plymouth. The first place we looked at was a little on the pricey side and not as nice as you might think. The second place was a dump, and we were running out of options. We decided to try one more place before accepting the more expensive apartment. It turned out that this third option was more within our budget, it included a washer, dryer, and dishwasher, and she can move in tomorrow! What an answer to prayer! She signed the lease, we packed her furniture and belongings tonight, and she will be in a place of her own tomorrow!
The Weary, But Happy, Apartment Seekers

God has been so gracious to provide not only this apartment, but also to provide it during my days off so Stephen and I can help her move. In the past two months the Lord has given her a job that fits her perfectly, a car (bought from a man in our church), furniture (bought from a guy in our church), a moving van (from another man in our church), and of course the best sister and brother-in-law in the world to help her transition into her new life! 🙂
Charis–I am SO incredibly excited for you! I promise I am not ignoring your phone calls. I’ll call soon to catch up.
Elisabeth–You’ve been busy!! recovering furniture, outfitting your new grown up sister, working… I love you!
Stephen–(just didn’t want you to feel left out) I tried to figure out the time on that clock, but I lost interest after about 3 minutes of thinking 🙂 THinking is only for the school year!!