We went from one family visit to another. The same day Mom and Dad Moody flew out, my uncle popped in for a short visit while he was in the Pacific Northwest. Bubba John has always been my fun uncle who travels the world and is up for any adventure! His work as a cruise ships naturalist, takes him–literally–around the globe. Most recently, he finished out the season of Alaskan cruises and explored the Columbia River & Gorge.

He immediately engaged the boys in a game of tabletop football and pulled out surprise gifts for the kids. Classic! Brought me back to my childhood Thanksgivings with him!

We looked at his wildlife pictures from Africa. Wow! The photos he takes are National Geographic level. He got a lot really cool close-ups of the animals.

The kids fell in love with him, and when he left the next day, they kept asking where my uncle went.

What a cool job and awesome he could visit. I’m sure his pictures were amazing!
Isn’t it so very special when our littles get to meet and be loved on by family we love? My boys fell in love with a aunt and uncle very special to me and it made my heart so happy!