Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Moody!

We were happy to be able to travel to Illinois for Jonathan and Alena’s wedding. Jon had proposed to Alena here in Oregon at Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach last summer.
The original wedding date was mid-June, but when they heard that Stephanie, Amy, and I were all expecting spring babies, they graciously moved their wedding to Labor Day weekend so the whole family could come. In the end, the timing was providential since Mom Moody suffered a stroke this past Memorial Day, and she wouldn’t have been able to attend in June. It was the first time in 6 years that everyone was together!

Jonathan was a handsome groom in his Marine dress blues. Combined with Alena’s vintage gown and veil, it seemed we were watching a wedding out of the 1940s.

All 4 brothers were the groomsmen which was extra special.

Cooper made a cute ring bearer, and Brooklyn (Stephanie’s oldest) was the flower girl. Coop wasn’t too sure about wearing purple and carrying fake rings, but he loved hanging out with Daddy and all his uncles.

David sang and played guitar during the ceremony, and all of us pitched in as much as we could.

I teared up watching Mom and Jonathan dance the mother/son dance at the reception–thinking about all that Mom had been through to make it to that day.

Brynn and Gracelyn (David and Tammy’s little girl) dressed in matching ballerina outfits in Aunt Alena’s honor. They adorably pranced around the wedding and reception and even got to dance with Prince Charming!

Jonathan and Alena drove off to a honeymoon in St. Louis and then to begin the rest of their lives together. Welcome to the family, Alena Moody!