Spring Break turned into a sort of winter break for us since we headed to the snowy mountains of Bend. Stephen needed to go to Bend for work, so we planned a family trip and got a rental house for the week.
The first morning, we woke up to snow that fell in big flakes all morning. The kids were elated! Though we didn’t pack gloves and boots, they still went outside to play in the snow until their fingers froze.
We found an indoor trampoline park where the kids jumped for two hours. They were fearless! Brynn started in the toddler area, and then decided she could do anything the boys were doing. She’s a gutsy little one!
Most of our days were spent at the house watching movies, playing Nintendo, reading books, building pillow forts, and snacking. It was fun to watch the deer roaming freely through the neighborhood. The kids rode their scooters at the park and on our street.

In the evenings, after Stephen was through with work, we had some family fun. One night we went bowling, where the kids won free ice cream cones for having the 2nd oldest penny in the place. The boys loved the bumper cars, and Brynn had a blast on the horsey rides.

Our first night in town, we stumbled across the last Blockbuster in the world! It was fun to go inside and experience a throwback to a different era. We rented several movies, and although they didn’t really understand, the kids were excited to be in the LAST store of its kind.

Friday night we walked through the quaint downtown area to eat at Joolz for some Mediterranean fare. Then we hit the roller rink. And, I do mean we literally hit it. There was lots of falling down, but also lots of fun. Stephen and I walked Cooper and Brynn around the rink while Silas took off on his own. Eventually Cooper got the hang of it, and both boys loved their first skating experience so much that they now want roller blades of their own.

We had one more stop on our way home to eat amazing burgers and hot dogs at the old fashioned Sno-Cap in Sisters. We finished off lunch with a banana split.

The kids now think Bend is an amazing destination vacation. I even overheard Silas telling Cooper, “We should move to Bend.”
What a fun adventure! Sometimes a change of scenery/pace is so refreshing.