Valentine’s Day is a holiday I like making a big deal about for the whole family. I want my family to know they are loved, and I seek to teach my children that loving others is a high priority for us since we are so well-loved by God. His love should motivate our love for one another.
I was on the hunt for a valentine banner for our fireplace, and came up with this one–part kit from Michael’s, part hand-made. Cooper and I made some penguins with heart-shaped bellies, beaks, and feet to send to family and friends.
I pulled out our over-sized felt envelopes and hung them on the bedroom doors again this year. It was fun to pick out a few treats for the kids and for the husband.
On the cards, I wrote notes telling them things I love about each of them. First thing on the morning of the fourteenth, my four valentines opened their gifts and cards, and we started our day with donuts for breakfast.
I volunteered in Silas’s classroom on Monday when the class was decorating their valentine bags. It was adorable! Then, I also helped with their Valentine party on Tuesday. The best part was when Silas’s teacher had the class look through their bags and thank their friends for their valentines. Such a sweet class of little people!
Stephen knows how much I like chocolate, so he went out to our local cupcakery for some brownies, cake pops, and a cupcake after supper. We rented a movie after the kids were tucked in bed, and finished the day with some chocolate. Perfect ending!
These are some song lyrics we have hanging in our bedroom:
I believe that he brought us together,
and you are my one safe place
They’re from my favorite singer/songwriter, Andrew Peterson. While Stephen and I are both sinners who have wounded one another deeply, we’re also redeemed children of God who have forgiven each other lavishly. All because of the work of Christ in our hearts. Because of grace, Stephen has become my one safe place here on earth where I can be who I truly am, and he will still love me.
In the days and months and years that I struggled {and sometimes continue to struggle} with paralyzing anxiety, Stephen was faithful. When I decided to fight for joy and kill my sinful passions, Stephen was my biggest cheerleader and my devoted counselor. He is a safe place for me. He points me to Christ in this way.
Love my Valentine man more and more all the time…
I love how well you do holidays! I was much more intentional about Christmas this year, and am planning to do Resurrection Eggs at Easter. Maybe next year I can add a little to our Valentine celebrations. Little by little, inch by inch (as Patch the Pirate would say, right?).
Baby steps is exactly right! I get overwhelmed if I think about doing a lot for all of the holidays at once, but adding a little bit each year is the way to go. Sounds like you’re doing the two most important holidays. Thanksgiving is the next holiday that needs some of my attention. We basically did nothing this year to celebrate!