Cooper: “I saw a daddy mosquito.”
Me: “How did you know it was a daddy mosquito?”
Cooper: “Because it was bigger than a mommy mosquito, and it wasn’t wearing a necklace.”
This was my conversation with Coop as we picked blueberries last Saturday. Stephen (of all people!) saw the signs for the U-Pick blueberry farm and wanted to go. Who is this man I’m married to? This cool Oregon weather has energized Stephen, and we’re loving it/him.
The blueberry bushes were burgeoning. The berries were thick as grape clusters and very ripe. We simply had to roll the berries with our fingers, and the blue bits of happiness would fall into our buckets. Picking berries was sweetly reminiscent of our honeymoon in the upstate New York Adirondacks almost a decade (wow!) ago…
…only this time we had three small humans with us.
Brynn simply sat herself down under the bush of her choice and ate to her heart’s content. Silas picked his weight in berries,
and Cooper (bless his heart) thought he was picking abundantly too. He must have been observing mosquitoes more than he was picking berries.
We came home with over 15 pounds of berries. Yes, over FIFTEEN POUNDS! I think we’re set till next summer?
Looks like fun!!