This has been a big month for Baby Girl. She turned 8 months this past Thursday and can now sit unsupported, pull herself from lying down into a sitting position, do the army crawl, and even get up on all fours.
She’s exercising her voice through babbling and making the motor boat sound. Brynn sometimes sings herself to sleep or sings as she rides in the stroller–cuteness overload! I think I feel two teeth starting to make their entrance on her lower jaw, but it’s still pretty early to tell.
When Brynn is happy, she kicks her feet for all she’s worth. You can see her kicks and hear her motor boat impression in this clip.
She’ll raise her hands and kick her feet like crazy when she’s on her belly and sees something or someone she wants. I’ll miss it when she outgrows that move.
Cooper wanted to have his picture taken with little sister, and he was too cute as he read this book to her.
Videos help me remember their voices and expressions so much better than pictures, but it’s hard to capture the best moments without ruining them.
Your videos of Brynn and Cooper are so cute. I really love the one with Cooper reading to Brynn.