As I consider this blog and how I write about our summers, I’m surprised that my tendency is to recap our summer activities in one post. It’s surprising since our lives aren’t bound by a school calendar. Perhaps because everyone around me has an encapsulated time slot labeled “Summer,” I adopt that view. Or perhaps, with the intense heat, our routine changes enough that our “Very Hot Season” becomes a block of time in my mind.
I’m guessing it’s a combination of both–there are different activities available due to the lack of school and the heat. Anyway, here’s my annual summer summary post.
Obviously the highlight of this summer was the birth of Brynn Kathryn on June 4th. June was a blur since we had family visiting for half the month! The other days were taken up with adjusting to life with 3 littles and adjusting to my postpartum body. We made sure that all three kids got in on the Father’s Day celebration for Stephen.
I’ve resumed walking with my friend Connie on a weekly basis. We usually walk at 5am on Tuesday mornings. Yes, it’s tough to pull myself out of bed, but I love it once I’m up! Brynn and I go together, so I carry her in the Moby wrap while Connie and I walk and talk.
We celebrated the 4th of July with a picnic with our church family at the new church property. (Crossroad bought a house on 5 acres last fall.) After a cookout and games, we packed up for fireworks at the Goodyear Ballpark. It was crowded, but we managed to find a grassy spot to sit and watch fireworks. The firecrackers didn’t disturb Brynn at all, and the boys were fascinated by the “rockets.”
Brynn met Stephen’s coworkers at lunch one day. The kids and I drove over to GreenLoop’s new offices to introduce our little sweetheart. (GreenLoop moved to a newer facility four miles from the old office, but Stephen’s commute is about the same.)
We attended a couple library events that were both pretty popular. Wildlife World Zoo brought some animals to the White Tanks Library, and the event was so packed out that they had to offer an impromptu second showing! At the Goodyear Library, the boys met one of our city police officers, and they made several police themed crafts.
Silas went to Crossroad’s vacation Bible school, his second VBS of the summer. Morningside Baptist Church of Greenville, SC sent a large mission team to help us run our VBS. There were about 75 kids who came. I couldn’t help out much this year, but Cooper, Brynn, and I visited and even watched them shoot off some pop bottle rockets on Friday.
For Stephen’s birthday, I bought him a stack of three little bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes in Goodyear. Three cakes with four candles since our #1 man is now 34.
As for filling some of the everyday moments, there were Lego & block creations, Ivory soap clouds made in the microwave and then colored and pressed into cookie cutter shapes,
backyard sprinkler days, swimming at the pool,
playtime with Daddy, and cooking with Mommy.
We made homemade playdough, read some books, tried out the library computers, made crafts, colored pictures, painted with brushes and with dot markers,
and kissed Brynn incessantly. We just can’t help ourselves.
Lots of superheroes came to visit–almost every day.
And, of course, we can’t forget about all the TV time and the SNACKS!
The boys had their dentist appointments together. It was only Cooper’s second time to the dentist, and he actually let the hygienist clean his teeth this time.
I’m hanging on to nap time for as long as I possibly can. The boys lay down after lunch each day. Cooper needs a daily nap, but Silas can get by with three or four naps a week. It’s a beautiful thing when all three babies are sleeping at the same time–it’s happened more than once!
Now that the boys are gaining some independence, we’ve started giving them a few chores. Both boys can clear their spot at dinner and put their dirty clothes in the hamper. I’ve begun teaching them to strip their beds for laundering and to set the table. Cooper has graced us with some elegant napkin settings. At this point, it’s more work for me to have them do chores, but that’s how learning starts.
These childhood days are ordinary–filled with golden moments, messy times, insightful questions, frazzled nerves, whispers of love, potty training, naps, newborn smiles, and cries for grace.
You’ve been having so much fun! I especially love Brynn’s expression in the photo with her 2 bodyguards!
I really love the first picture of Brynn, that’s so precious, and the picture of Silas, Brynn, and cooper all together is cute.