For the past five weeks we’ve started our Saturdays with soccer class for Silas.
We signed him up for Tot Soccer through the town of Buckeye since it was the only soccer program for two year olds that we could find in the area.
The coach had the kids do lots of games that taught them kicking, soccer stops, stretching, passing, dribbling, throwing and generally kept them occupied for forty-five minutes. (It’s a tough assignment to keep two and three year olds interested for that long!)
Since I know nothing about soccer, I actually learned a little bit from Tot Soccer. So glad I’m now up-to-speed with my two year old’s knowledge of soccer!
During two of the Saturdays classes Stephen was working, so I strapped Cooper to me and all three of us got out there on the field.
The other three Saturdays Cooper and I watched from the sidelines
and took pictures of our little kicker and his superstar daddy.