Stephen’s brother and sister-in-law, David and Tammy, visited us for the first time this past week. It was great to have them! We were happy to share our corner of Phoenix with them.They arrived late Wednesday night and headed north the next day for a tour of Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Friday night we met them at a pizza place we’d been wanting to try–Oregano’s.
It did not disappoint. Parking was ridiculous, and the wait was long, but we could taste why Oregano’s is so popular. We ordered the Guaca Tony appetizer served with pizza crust chips–yum! When our brick oven baked, deep dish pizza finally came, it was swimming with cheese and meat. I couldn’t even finish one piece! It was great to catch up with David and Tammy over good food.
After returning their burnt orange Dodge Challenger (Stephen’s dream car) to the rental car return, we drove home and stayed up late into the night talking. David and Tammy had brought Silas a new friend, the Leapfrog learning dog Scout. Silas loves him! We eventually connected Scout to the computer so he could “learn” Silas’s name, favorite food, color, and animal. Silas was so surprised and happy when Scout said his name for the first time! (It melts my heart every time I hear Scout say, “Silas.”) Uncle David and Aunt Tammy also introduced Silas to bubbles for the first time. Bitty Boy didn’t quite know what to make of the sudsy stuff, but stared wide-eyed as the bubbles floated past him.
And, while Silas wasn’t at all interested in a piggy back ride, he was giddy about Uncle David’s crab rides. 🙂
Our short time together was spent touring the AZ Historical Society Museum,
Goldfield Ghost town,
walking in the park,
eating out, playing Settlers of Catan & Telestrations (a hilarious new game David and Tammy introduced us to), and discussing church planting and Christianity. The brothers even sang a duet together in church.
Thanks so much for coming to see us, David and Tammy!
I didn’t know Stephen was a “Mopar” guy! Uncle Calvin had a Road
Runner when we were first married; not orange, his was dark green. Orange was an available color then though.