Now that Silas spends his days perpendicular to the floor, I thought it would be cool to mark his height on the wall. There’s something nostalgic about tracking your child’s growth on the wall of your home, don’t you think?
So, when I saw an adorable do-it-yourself wall ruler, I knew it was perfect! This way, if we ever move, we can take all our markings with us. I followed this tutorial (and this one was helpful too). Off to Lowe’s we went!
I have never stained wood before in my life, but it was super easy. We chose the Golden Oak color of Cabot stain. After one coat, I decided it looked great (plus, I didn’t feel like doing a second coat).
Since I wanted the ruler to hang on the wall, I began the measurements at 6 inches and continued up to 6 1/2 feet. The Sharpie paint marker was just like using a regular marker. The numbers are what completes the look though. I love the way they turned out!
I colored the backs of my numbers with pencil and then traced them onto the board, leaving a graphite outline of the number behind.
(can you see the extremely faint outline of the number 6 above?)
After three quick coats of Polycrylic, the ruler was done.
Stephen found these great interlocking hooks that guarantee Bitty Boy won’t be able to pull the ruler off the wall. I also used a 3m Command strip at the bottom of the ruler so it wouldn’t budge when pulled on by little hands. We hung the ruler in our entryway just off the kitchen.
Silas Clark is officially 2 ft. 7 in. We marked all of our heights using this artist pen from JoAnn’s.
The plan is to mark each family member’s height when they come for a visit. That way Silas can compare his height to his aunts and uncles and grandparents. (I have a sneaky suspicion he’ll be passing up Aunt Charis first!) What a fun way to bring our family a little bit closer. Can’t wait to see how Bitty Boy grows.
That’s a really cute and creative idea.
Awww, it’s perfect. Looks just like a ruler, and Silas is just too cute!
I absolutely LOVE that idea. You better believe I will be copying that from you whenever we have kids!
Be my guest! I’m so excited with how it turned out.