We often mention Crossroad Baptist Church when meeting others for the first time. Why? Because, upon discovering Stephen is a Hoosier and I’m a Hillbilly, they ask, “So what brought you to Phoenix?” Then we tell them about Crossroad.
Our service schedule has changed since our first year here. The morning worship is now at 10am, then we break for light refreshments and have our Bible study time immediately after that. It works well for our people and our location in a middle school.
Stephen bought a trombone about a year ago and has begun playing in church once again. This month I was able to teach children’s church, and it was encouraging to see the kids listening and learning.
CBC has begun a nursery ministry as we now have four babies among our families! Just last year we had three families join our membership, and two other families from the community have been attending.
Snowbirds often worship with us in the winter months, and it’s encouraging to have new faces–even if it’s only for a few weeks.
Last summer we held our first mid-week Bible study at a member’s home on Thursday evenings. We watched Paul Tripp’s video series, Getting to the Heart of Parenting. Currently, we are going through The Truth Project on Thursdays.
Youth4Christ continues to meet in our home every other Monday night. The teens have been studying the Answers in Genesis creation series. Our kids and teens are also starting to raise money for their trip to Ironwood Christian Camp this summer.
We’re thankful for our friends at church. They are our “Phoenix family.”
Sound’s like you guy’s are having families all the time to join the church. It sound’s great. It’s nice know that you have a good church family to turn to when you need help.
I don’t know how we would’ve made it this long without them. Hope you and Brett are loving your church family!