The ladies of Crossroad gave a baby shower for Melissa and her baby girl due in October. I had the privilege of hosting the shower at my house Friday night. {Two very happy brides-to-be showing off their rocks!}
For this happy occasion, I decided to try making my own decorations and had a blast doing it! There are lots of DIY decorating ideas and tutorials out there. After looking at Melissa’s registry we chose a pink & green polka dot theme to match her nursery style. {I apologize in advance for the poor quality of these pictures–learning how to use my camera is on my to-do list.}
These mini pom-poms greeted the guests.
The gift table. Empty.
The details were fun to make.
We served cheese & crackers, watermelon cut in flower shapes, chocolate chip & white chocolate chunk cookies, raspberry cupcakes, coffee, and peach tea. {Thanks, girls, for pitching in!}
When I spotted these tulips on sale, I knew they were a must since they’re one of Melissa’s favorites.
Polka dots dangled from the doorways and graced the table.
Large pom-poms and a banner with baby girl’s name hung in the living room.
The guest of honor opened her gifts. Baby girl clothes are too cute!
We ate, we laughed, we played games, we thanked God for the gift of children, and we celebrated Melissa and baby Eden. Congrats, friend!